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2018/5/24 11:28:00



1. Would you recommend some places for ancient ruins?

1. 你能推荐一些古代遗址的去处吗?

2. Would you please tell me some of the attractions here?

2. 请给我介绍一些这里的名胜,好吗?

3. What are the places of historic interest in America?

3. 美国有哪些名胜古迹?4. We're deeply impressed by the White House!

4. 白宫让我们印象深刻啊!

5. I've taken a photo of the Golden Gate Bridge.

5. 我拍了张金门大桥的照片。

6. Can you tell me a little about the Statue of Liberty?

6. 你能告诉我一些关于自由女神像的情况吗?

7. Will you go to the Big Ben alone or in a group?

7. 你参观大本钟是自己去还是跟团去?

8. It's really interesting to see the British Museum!8. 参观大英博物馆真的很有趣!

9. The tour guide recommends us a trip to Tower of London.

9. 导游建议去伦敦塔参观。

10. I know Palace of Westminster is one of the World Heritage Sites.

10. 我知道威斯敏斯特宫是世界遗产遗址之一。

Dialogues 情景对话

Yellowstone National Park 黄石国家公园

A: Have you ever visited Yellowstone National Park?

A: 你参观过黄石国家公园吗?

B: Yes, I went there two years ago. It is located in Wyoming State, US.

B: 是的,我两年前去过。它坐落于美国的怀俄明州。

A: How do you feel about it?

A: 你觉得怎么样?

B: Magnificent! Yellowstone National Park is famous for its canyons, waterfalls, hot springs, etc.

B: 太壮观了!黄石国家公园以峡谷、瀑布、温泉等美景著称。

A: They are must be very beautiful. I'll take some pictures when I visit there.

A: 那一定非常漂亮。我去参观的时候一定要拍些照片。B: Yes, the view is unique. The park is one of the largest craters in the world.

B: 是的,那里的景色独一无二。这个公园是世界上最大的火山口之一。A: Really? It's said that Yellowstone National Park has become an important natural relic preservation in the world.

A: 真的吗?听说黄石国家公园已经成为世界重要的自然遗产保护对象。

B: Yes. Moreover, it's the earliest and biggest national park in the world.

B: 是的。而且它是世界上最早,也是最大的国家公园。


① be located in 表示“位于,坐落于”,locate后面接不同介词时表示的方位含义不同。接in表示在一定范围内,指较大地区;接on表示接壤;接at也表示在一定范围内,但指较小的地区,如学校、家等。

② It's said that 意为“据说”,后面接主语从句。

例句:It's said that many years ago clothes were made of animal skins.


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