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2018/6/27 16:41:00



Follow this simple, six-step system to ensure youre-mailsget the job done。


  E-mails are the most common document in the business world. Unfortunately, many e-mails are so poorly written that recipients must struggle to figure out why they're reading the e-mail and whatthey're supposed to do about it。


  Here's a foolproof method to write e-mails that getthejob done。


  1. Have a specific decision in mind。


  The goal of an e-mail is always to get the recipient(s)tomake a decision of some kind. Otherwise, why bother writing the it? Therefore,before you write anything, ask yourself: exactly what decision do I want the recipient to make? As with all business writing, vagueness is theopposite ofuseful. The clearer the goal, the more convincing your e-mail will be。


  2. Start by writing your conclusion。


  Your conclusion is a statement of the decision thatyouwant the recipient to make, based upon the contents of your e-mail。 


  In school, they probably taught you to start with an introduction and end with an conclusion. Wrong. Nobody in the businessworldhas time to wander through the development of an idea. If you don't tell them the reason for the e-mail immediately, chances are they'll just move on. Soyoustart with your conclusion. For example, suppose your goal is get your boss to approve an in-house gym。




  As you know, employee absenteeism isgenerally recognized as an ongoing problem with a steep financial impact, bothin our company and in other companies in our industries. Therefore, we should consider allocating money for the installation of a gym a tour headquarter facility。






  I want you to approve the installation of an in-house gym。




  3. Structure your supporting argumentinto"digestible chunks."


  Once you've stated your conclusion, marshall the arguments that supportyourconclusion(i.e. the decision you want made). To make yourarguments"digestible,"break them into small "chunks," andpresenteach point with a similarformat and sentence structure。



  According to a recently published government report,group physical fitness is extremely important even though very few companies actually demonstrate a commitment to it! Many firms identify physical fitness as an undervalued competitive asset, but don't have a plan for improvement inthisarea, even though physical fitness is strongly linked to corporate and individual economic and personal success. I feel that if we do not address the issue of physical fitness as it enhances workplace productivity, we will beleft behind。


  根据最近发表的一项政府工作报告,团体身体健康情况非常重要,虽然很少有公司会真正地展示出对团体身体健康做出的承诺!很多公司确定身体健康是 一项被低估的竞争性资产,尽管身体健康与公司和个人的经济和个人成功有密切关系,但是他们在这个领域还没有改进计划。我觉得如果我们不解决身体健康这个问题,我们将会被落下,因为它能提高工作场所的工作效率。


  An in-house gym will:

  - Reduce absenteeism。

  - Increase overall productivity。
