2018/7/20 8:54:00
It is better for the government to spend on building future housing or preserving historic or traditional buildings and homes .政府是应该建设新建筑,还是保护历史古老建筑 ?
1. 古老建筑历史文化遗产的一部分,保护古建筑就是保护文化遗产,因为古建筑是历史的见证,提供了和过去具体的联系,如果拆除古老建筑,人类的历史就是一团迷雾,城市失去了其特征,在其原址上建设的摩天高楼可以建设在世界上的任何地方。
2. 保护古老建筑产生巨大的经济价值,很多古老建筑已经成为热门的旅游资源,古老建筑是城市风景的一部分,可以繁荣旅游经济,提高城市的美誉度。
3. 很多古老建筑体现一种建筑的成就,增强城市的文化底蕴。
1. 很多古老建筑年久失修,占用宝贵土地资源, 因此不能满足住房短缺和人口激增的需要。
2. 很多古老建筑的建筑风格不符合现代人的审美,和城市的发展不协调。
1. could strengthen a city ’ s cultural deposits . 增强城市的文化底蕴。
2. Numerous old buildings are protected by the law because they are part of a nation's history. 因为是国家历史的一部分,很多的古老建筑被法律保护。
3. Some of the traditional buildings were worn down by the years without repair and occupy the precious land resources.
4. Many historic and old buildings fail to keep up with the development of the city 很多古老建筑和城市的发展不协调。
5. Those old and historic buildings should be kept in intact. 历史古老建筑应该给保持原貌。
6. Old and historic buildings are the symbol of a nation or a city ’ s unique culture and civilization. 古老历史建筑是国家城市独特的文化文明的象征。
7. Old buildings could vividly unveil mystery of historic events. 古老建筑可以生动地再现历史事件的神秘。
8. Those precious traditional buildings are parts of the city landscape. 宝贵的历史建筑是城市景色的一部分。
8.could be developed into hot places of interest v. 可以被开发成热门的旅游景区。
9. can give a boost to the tourism of a city. v. 可以促进城市的旅游业发展。
10. build a city ’ s popularity = enhance the reputation of a city. v. 提高一个城市的美誉度。
11. The long tradition and cultural heritage could be maintained in modern time by protecting those old and historic buildings. 通过保护历史古老建筑,悠久的传统以及文化遗产在当地社会得以保存。
inherit v. 继承
maze n. 迷雾
intact adj. 保持完好的
veil v. 遮掩
unveil v. 揭示了……
eradicate v. 根除
be leveled v. 被夷为平地
eradicate historic buildings 拆除……
safeguard n. 舒肤佳;v 捍卫……
wear v. 磨损; 用旧 worn 过去式
synchronize with = keep up with v. 和……同步
cultural heritage = cultural legacy = cultural relics n. 文化遗产
safeguard old buildings v. 保护古老建筑 = preserve old buildings v. 保护古老建筑 = protect old buildings v. 保护古老建筑
knock down old buildings v. 拆除古老建筑 = tear down ancient buildings v. 拆除古老建筑
old buildings = ancient buildings = historic buildings = traditional buildings n. 古老建筑