9/12/2018 11:30:00 AM
Petroleum translation plays a key role in international trade, so the requirements of petroleum translation are extremely high, especially in the process of translation need to follow the five requirements, the following translation of Le Wen for everyone to introduce in detail:
1. Petroleum translation should be professional and accurate.
The petroleum field is a highly specialized field. Therefore, translators are required to have a clear grasp of the relevant technical terms and be able to translate them in a professional, accurate and standardized language. Therefore, having certain petroleum professional background and certain professional terminology will help to translate professionally and accurately.
2, oil translation should keep pace with the times.
Oil industry involves high-precision fields, and knowledge updates quickly in these fields. Therefore, translators must keep pace with the times and keep abreast of the latest knowledge, so as to be better qualified for translation tasks.
3, oil translation should be internationalized.
Petroleum translation serves international oil trade. Nowadays, there are more international oil trade exchanges. With the development of global economic integration, oil trade is becoming more and more international. Therefore, translation should pay special attention to internationalization and keep pace with international practice.
4, oil translation must be rigorous.
Unlike literary translation, petroleum translation does not require beautiful words, but requires strict language, concise writing, strict logic, and avoidance of the use of words that are easily ambiguous or even wrong. This requires the interpreter to accurately grasp the rigorous translation.
5, oil translation should be kept confidential.
As a pillar energy industry in China, oil trade often involves trade secrets and national security. Therefore, in the process of translation, translators should strictly observe professional ethics and keep secrets for their clients. This is also the basic requirement for translation and the basic professional quality of an interpreter.
Above is the translation of Le Wen for you to introduce the oil translation needs to follow the requirements, want to qualify the translation of oil must follow the above requirements, I hope the summary of the short edition is helpful to everyone.
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