9/17/2018 2:19:00 PM
Simultaneous interpretation requires constant learning and mastery of certain skills. Only in this way can the preparation rate be better guaranteed.Here are four tips for simultaneous interpretation:
同声传译工作所处的压力环境比即席口译要 严重得多。即席口译的译员有自己讲话的时间,讲话人说一段而 暂停的时候,译员可以允许自己有很短的一点时间迅速梳理一下 思绪。而且,在及时反应出去之后,译员讲话的速度可以自己掌 握。同声传译译员必须在听清一点意思时就开始翻译,而且翻译 一开始,速度就由不得自己了,他必须跟着讲话人的速度一齐前 进。这就增加了译员的恐慌感。有时被听不懂的词语或内容卡住 了,译员也可能惊慌;有时在大场面或给高层领导人翻译,也可能 心里发慌或怯场。要培养“临场镇静”的心理状态,首先在思想上 要明确认识到面对的就是一项富有挑战性的工作,对自己要有信 心,精神上要有准备,一开始就保持冷静。再者是多参加同声传译工作,在实践中锻炼。遇到“卡壳”,一时找不到适合的对应词语, 可以“释译”把含义解释出来,实在不懂,只好“牺牲”了,放过去, 赶紧抓住发言人思路的线索,接着往下听,往下译,尽量减少“损 失”。有时译了后面的,对前面有了启发,领会了刚才放弃的意 思,这时可以“寻机”迅速补上去。
1., calm down.
The pressure environment of simultaneous interpretation is much more serious than that of extemporaneous interpretation. An impromptu interpreter has his own time to speak. When the speaker says a paragraph and pauses, the interpreter can allow himself a short time to sort out his thoughts quickly. Moreover, after a timely response, the interpreters speed of speech can be grasped by himself. The simultaneous interpreter must begin to translate when he has heard a little of the meaning, and the speed of the translation can not help himself at the beginning. He must follow the speed of the speaker. This increases the fear of the interpreter. Sometimes they are stuck in words or content that they dont understand, and the interpreter may be panicked; sometimes they may be panicked or frightened in big occasions or interpreted to senior leaders. To cultivate a "on-the-spot calm" state of mind, first of all, we must clearly realize ideologically that what we are facing is a challenging task. We must have confidence in ourselves, be mentally prepared, and remain calm from the beginning. Besides, they take part in simultaneous interpretation and practice in practice. When you encounter "jam", you can not find the appropriate corresponding words, you can "interpret" to explain the meaning, really do not understand, so you have to "sacrifice" and let go, quickly grasp the clues of the speakers ideas, and then listen down, down translation, as far as possible to reduce the "loss". Sometimes after the translation, the front has been inspired to understand the meaning of just give up, at this time can be "looking for opportunities" quickly added.
同传译员和讲话人声音的起、止应该大体 一致。但由于汉英语言的差异,译员翻译时要注意调节速度。一 般地说,英语长一些,汉语短一些,同传时要注意调整。避免讲话 人已经结束很久了,译员还在说个没有完。
2. master speed.
The voice and voice of simultaneous interpreters and speakers should be roughly the same. However, due to the differences between Chinese and English, the interpreter should pay attention to speed when translating. Generally speaking, English is longer and Chinese is shorter. It has been over for a long time to avoid the speaker. The interpreter is still talking.
同声传译一般不做笔记,靠用脑子记,避免再分心。但有一些不得不记。尤其是数字和专有名词。数字最难记 住;专有名词(人名、地名、机构名称),除非是经常使用的和自己 熟悉的,不然,是很难记全、记准的。这时,有一点笔记来提示是有 帮助的。所以,做同传时也要有纸笔准备。
3. make notes.
Simultaneous interpretation generally does not take notes, and relies on mind to avoid distractions. But some have to remember. Especially numbers and proper nouns. Numbers are the hardest to remember; proper nouns (names of people, places, organizations) are hard to remember unless they are frequently used and familiar to them. At this time, there is a note to help. Therefore, there should be paper and pen preparation for simultaneous interpreting.
和做其他工作一样,要把同声传译工 作做好,也是没有不费力气的捷径可走的。但只要经过严格训练, 更多地练习和参加实践,更自觉地总结,就能不断提高。译员可以 把自己翻译的音录下来(在有关方面允许的情况下),事后分析研 究,找出问题及其产生的原因,吸取教训,总结改进,就可以逐步得 到提高。
4. practice - Summary - practice.
Similar to other work, simultaneous interpretation is an effortless shortcut. However, as long as we have undergone rigorous training, more practice and participation in practice, more conscious summary, we can continue to improve. Interpreters can record their own transcriptions (if permitted by the relevant parties), analyze and study the problems afterwards, find out the causes of the problems, draw lessons, and sum up the improvements, which can be gradually improved.
This is Lewens translation of the simultaneous interpretation technique. I hope the summary of the short edition will be helpful to you. If you want to know more about translation, you can pay attention to the updating of this website.
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